Can Consuming Fish Eggs Trigger High Cholesterol?


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Photo Source: Flickr/Marco Verch

Many people love fish roe because in addition to the meat, it tastes delicious. If we find a fish that still has eggs in its stomach, we feel lucky because we can enjoy it. However, is it true that many people's opinion that fish eggs can cause high cholesterol?

Various nutrients that can be found in fish eggs

Fish eggs can be used for different types of food. This food can be used to make sushi or fried fish roe, for example. Unexpectedly, fish eggs have healthy nutrients behind their delicious taste.

Fish eggs contain protein, vitamins B2, B12, C, E, folic acid, phosphorus, selenium, and omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, it tends not to have many calories, fat, and carbohydrates. This shows that fish eggs can be consumed by everyone, even those who are on a diet program.

Health experts say that there are 6 grams of protein in 30 grams of fish eggs. This is almost equal to one large chicken egg. Fish eggs also usually contain a lot of antioxidants. Surely these ingredients will help prevent exposure to harmful free radicals by being able to cause disease.

The immune system will also be boosted by these antioxidants. Even high vitamin B12 improves nerve and brain health. The better the formation of energy will allow the process of forming red blood cells and DNA to run smoothly.

Effects of eating fish eggs and cholesterol levels

Health experts say the high content of omega 3 fatty acids in fish eggs can help the body avoid inflammation, clotting, and blood clots, as well as lower bad cholesterol levels.

Fish eggs also contain esicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are good for the brain. With 30 grams of fish eggs, you can get 1,000 mg of omega 3 fatty acids, 400 mg of EPA, and 500 mg of DHA. This content can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Fish eggs can nourish joints and bones.

Fish eggs contain astaxanthin, a very powerful antioxidant, which gives it its unique yellow color. This content also shows the ability to strengthen the immune system to fight exposure to harmful free radicals. Fish eggs also contain a lot of vitamin D. The immune system, bones, and joints can be strengthened with this content.

Although fish eggs are healthy, do not consume too much of them.

Health experts say that although fish eggs are good for health, their consumption should be limited. Its high cholesterol levels — about 165 milligrams per 20 grams of fish eggs — are to blame.

Although it contains omega 3 fatty acids, consuming too much of it will increase your cholesterol intake and approach the limit of 300 mg per day.

In addition, fish eggs contain a lot of sodium. More specifically when fish roe is cooked with salt water. A sodium content of up to 420 mg can be found in every 30 grams of fish eggs; this is almost one-fifth of the maximum limit of salt you can consume each day.


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