Premature Ejaculation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Prevention



Premature ejaculation is a plague for guys engaging in sexual activity. This situation could generate insecurity about your ability to satisfy your lover. What, then, is the reason for premature ejaculation? And what is the treatment for premature ejaculation? For additional information, please see the explanation provided below.

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man has orgasm (sperm expulsion) and ejaculates too rapidly and uncontrollably. In other words, ejaculation occurs unintentionally. This condition can develop prior to or after initiating sexual activity. This condition causes several personal challenges for a number of males.

One in five men has problems with premature or uncontrolled ejaculation. When recurrent premature ejaculation interferes with a man's or his partner's sexual pleasure, it becomes a medical concern. Several reasons can cause premature ejaculation. This illness can be exacerbated by psychological issues such as stress, depression, and other conditions affecting mental and emotional health.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Several psychological and physical causes might cause premature ejaculation in men, including the following:

1. Disease

In other instances, premature ejaculation may be the result of more severe medical issues. These diseases include hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.

Prostate disease and hypothyroidism (thyroid gland underactivity) can potentially shorten the length of an erection in men.

2. Excessive sensitivity

Extreme penile sensitivity might be the cause of precocious ejaculation in some males. If oversensitivity is the cause of sexual difficulties, employing anesthetic creams or thicker condoms might help prolong sexual activity by lowering the stimulation level.

If you've had premature ejaculation since the beginning of your sexual life, it's most likely due to heightened sensitivity. If premature ejaculation begins later in life, this is typically the result of stress or a medical condition.

3. Stress

Anxiety and stress are frequent causes of ejaculation in men. Especially among young males, inexperience and sexual anxiety might decide how long sexual relationships "last." Symptoms of premature ejaculation might also result from previous trauma or poor sexual encounters.

Sleep deprivation and relationship troubles typically have a detrimental effect on sexual function and can result in ejaculation issues.

Males who suffer from depression and men who drink excessively are more likely to experience issues. If the cause of premature ejaculation is psychological, oral drugs for premature ejaculation, such as Priligy, are more appropriate than creams.

Teenage boys who infrequently engage in sexual activity or masturbation may be able to enjoy sexual encounters as adults.

Men who masturbate regularly during youth may have problems sustaining intercourse in maturity, according to a second theory.

4. Drugs and alcohol

Abuse of alcohol and narcotics, such as amphetamines and cocaine, is known to produce premature ejaculation in addition to erectile dysfunction.

If you are experiencing erection problems, you should avoid excessive alcohol consumption and drug abuse over the recommended daily limit of 2–3 glasses of alcohol and illicit substances.

5. Erectile dysfunction

Men who worry about sustaining an erection during sexual activity may be able to create an immediate habit of ejaculating.

6. Restlessness

Not infrequently, men who experience premature ejaculation also suffer from worry, either regarding their sexual talents or other issues.

7. Relationship problems

If you experience enjoyable sex with another partner, where premature ejaculation is uncommon or nonexistent, it is conceivable that interpersonal issues between you and your current partner are the cause.

Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

Primary or lifelong premature ejaculation is characterized by the three following characteristics of premature ejaculation:

1.     Almost always, premature ejaculation occurs prior to sexual penetration or within a minute following penetration.

2.     The inability of a man to defer ejaculation at any time or almost always.

3.     There are negative personal repercussions, such as issues, disappointments, or avoiding sexual connection.

Physical ejaculation is secondary to psychological problems. This occurs with males, their partners, and sometimes both. While the secondary characteristics of premature ejaculation are:

  • Decreased confidence in sex
  • Interpersonal difficulties (communication between couples)
  • Mental stress
  • Restless
  • Embarrassed
  • Depression

Men who ejaculate prematurely may experience psychological anguish; however, a study of 152 men and their relationships revealed that their partners tended to be less concerned about premature ejaculation than the men themselves.

Premature Ejaculation Diagnosis

Premature ejaculation is a sexual disorder that can be identified depending on a man's individual symptoms. Your doctor needs to review your sexual history with your partner in order to understand the issue. This is said with sincerity and candor. The greater the doctor's understanding of your illness, the easier it will be to treat you.

If your sexual history does not indicate significant mental or emotional reasons that can cause premature ejaculation, your doctor may evaluate you.

The physician will likely examine the prostate or do neurological testing (tests of the nervous system) to discover if physical issues may be causing premature ejaculation.

How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

All men are susceptible to premature ejaculation, but that does not imply it cannot be overcome. And the following are measures men can take to prevent premature ejaculation:

  • Do Kegel exercises regularly. Kegel exercises are beneficial for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. If this muscle is robust, it may lessen the likelihood of premature ejaculation.
  • Avoid excessive stress and fatigue.
  • Maintain daily penis health and consult the doctor often. Men who frequently preserve their penis have a reduced risk of developing conditions such as premature ejaculation.
  • Routinely do exercise every day.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.

How to Deal with Other Ejaculations

In addition to the aforementioned tips, below are other at-home remedies for premature ejaculation:

1. Start & stop method

This technique is intended to control ejaculation. Men and their partners should cease sexual stimulation at the onset of an orgasmic sensation and resume when the sensation has subsided.

2. Methods such as squeezing

Similar to masturbation, you or your partner squeeze the tip of the penis for thirty seconds before commencing stimulation.

You can repeat this three or four times before allowing your penis to ejaculate, as the penis is rigidly upright.

Overcoming Premature Ejaculation with Topical Medications

Some topical medicines may be applied to the penis before sexual activity, with or without a condom. This local anesthetic cream has the ability to diminish excitement.

Lidocaine and prilocaine are examples of drugs for premature ejaculation that can improve erection duration prior to ejaculation.

However, frequent use of anesthetics might produce penile numbness and erectile dysfunction. The reduced sensation caused by the cream is probably unpleasant to men, and numbness can also impact women.

How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

There is actually no method to prevent premature ejaculation. Nevertheless, you should examine the following suggestions:

  • Maintain healthy sexual practices. If you have feelings of anxiety, guilt, or dissatisfaction with your sexual life, try psychotherapy or sexual therapy for assistance.
  • Remember that sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can affect anyone. If you undergo precocious ejaculation, avoid punishing yourself.


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