Cervical Cancer Prevention That You Must Know


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Cervical Cancer Prevention That You Must Know

One of the deadliest diseases that attack many women in World is cervical cancer. According to the official website of the Ministry of Health, more than 15,000 cases of cervical cancer occur in every year. Although scary, cervical cancer can still be prevented. What is the best way to prevent cervical cancer? Read the review below!

Getting to Know Cervical Cancer

Before you know how to prevent cervical cancer, you should know what cervical cancer is. When cancer appears on the cervix, which is part of the female reproductive system, it is called cervical cancer. The cervix, also called the cervix, is located between the vagina and the uterus.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes this malignancy. Women with HPV do not necessarily acquire cervical cancer, but if you have been exposed to HPV, your risk of acquiring cervical cancer is increased. HPV can be transmitted through sexual contact.

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

While it is better if cancer can be prevented early, cancer that is detected early will be easier to treat. Since cervical cancer can affect every woman, every woman should know how to prevent it.

You can prevent cervical cancer by doing the following:

1. Routine pap smear examination

One way to prevent cervical cancer is to undergo regular pap smear examinations.

An examination known as a "pap smear" is done to take a sample of cervical cells to ascertain whether or not there are cells that have the potential to become cancerous. Although cells that may develop into cancer are not always going to develop into cancer, it is better to get rid of them in the first place.

Women from age 21 or sexually active until age 65 should have regular pap smears every three years.

2. Routine HPV screening

HPV testing is an important test to prevent cervical cancer in addition to the pap smear examination.

As mentioned earlier, HPV causes cervical cancer. The HPV test can be done independently or in conjunction with a pap smear. Women over the age of 30 are advised to undergo HPV or HPV examinations with pap smears every five years.

3. Get the sexvic cancer vaccine

HPV is a trigger for cervical cancer, so the HPV vaccine is used to prevent cervical cancer.

Although there are more than 100 types of HPV, the two most common types that cause cervical cancer are types 16 and 18. Before becoming sexually active, vaccinations are usually given. Between the ages of 9 and 13, vaccines are recommended because their immune systems are better at this age.

Women who skip vaccination can still be vaccinated up to age 26. However, sexually active women should have a pap smear before receiving the vaccine.

The HPV vaccine is given to both men and women. In men, the HPV vaccine prevents genital warts, penile cancer, and anal cancer.

4. Avoid risky sexual intercourse

One of the next ways to prevent cervical cancer is to avoid risky sexual intercourse.

HPV can be transmitted through sex. If you don't use condoms or change partners, this risk will be even higher. HPV can be spread through different types of sexual contact, such as skin-to-skin contact between genitals, oral, vaginal, and anal contact, and the use of sex toys.

5. Avoid cigarettes

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for cervical cancer, so it should be avoided if you don't want to get it.

Women infected with HPV are more susceptible to cervical cancer than women who smoke and inhale secondhand smoke. Women who smoke more over a longer period of time have a higher risk.

6. Maintain diet

A healthy diet can prevent cervical cancer. In addition to eating foods rich in nutrients, do not forget to avoid foods that can cause cancer.

Eating more fruits and vegetables will help your overall health and may help you avoid cervical cancer naturally. Foods high in trans fat, processed foods and drinks that contain preservatives, alcohol, and others are foods that should be avoided or limited in consumption because they can cause cancer.

7. Maintain ideal body weight

Maintaining an ideal body weight can also prevent cervical cancer. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of various chronic diseases, one of which is cervical cancer. However, a below-normal body weight can also disrupt the immune system, which makes it more susceptible to disease.

Maintaining a balanced nutritional intake and exercising regularly can help you maintain an ideal body weight.

Every woman can use various methods to prevent cervical cancer. Since cervical cancer can affect anyone, every woman should be vigilant. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will greatly help prevent cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer often shows no symptoms in the early stages and is only discovered after developing further. Don't forget to undergo regular health checks to prevent cancer.


1.     Can I Prevent Cervical Cancer? – https://www.webmd.com/cancer/cervical-cancer/understanding-cervical-cancer-prevention

2.     Cervical Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Patient Version – https://www.cancer.gov/types/cervical/patient/cervical-prevention-pdq diakses

3.     Prevention – Cervical cancer – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-cancer/prevention/ diakses

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