7 Color Signs of Earwax: What is Normal and Dangerous?

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Wax in the ears naturally forms to protect the ears. Earwax, also known as cerumen, serves to prevent wax and other foreign bodies from entering the ear and causing infection. Wax in the ears can have a variety of textures and colors. What exactly do these different colors of earwax mean?

Understanding Earwax Color and Its Texture

Basically, the ears have the ability to clean themselves. Old earwax combines with dead skin cells and gets into the ear canal. As it turns out, not everyone has the same earwax. The color and shape of wax in the ears can also indicate health problems.

It is very important for you to understand the meaning of the following different colors of earwax?

1. Soft, light yellow earwax

Children usually have pale yellow earwax.

The normal color of earwax is this color. With age, this color may turn darker. When a person grows up, earwax production will also usually decrease.

2. Brownish-yellow earwax is usually wet.

Brownish-yellow earwax with a wet texture is also normal.

Caucasian and African people usually have these ear litter features. It is caused by a gene mutation that causes wet discharge in the ear. However, there is no reason to worry as this condition does not indicate an ear disorder.

3. If the discharge in your ears is grayish-white, it will dry more easily.

Because it was previously mentioned that earwax that tends to get wet is normal, dry earwax is not always an abnormal thing.

Grayish-white and dry earwax is also considered normal by some ethnicities around the world. A study shows that the color and texture of earwax is most commonly found in East Asian descendants.

4. Discharge in the ears is greenish-yellow

Normal earwax can be brownish-yellow or orange, but they are not the same as greenish-yellow earwax.

It is possible that the earwax is greenish-yellow and indicates the presence of an infection in the ear. Immediately consult an ENT specialist (ear, nose, throat) if these symptoms are accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or discomfort in the ears.

5. Discharge inside the ear that is reddish

The presence of blood in the ear smear can be indicated by the reddish color of earwax.

Dark brown and red earwax may indicate scratches or injuries in the ear. In addition, mistakes made when trying to clean the ears often cause bloody ears and reddish discharge.

6. Black earwax

Wax in the ears can turn black if it continues to be there.

Wax in the ears can turn black for several reasons. This can happen due to a foreign body getting into the ear or excessive accumulation of wax. Black can be a dangerous color of earwax, especially if it coincides with symptoms such as earache, dizziness, and hearing loss.

7. White with liquid texture

A condition called otitis externa or otitis swimmer can show white earwax that resembles pus, is liquid, and smells.

This condition can occur when the ear canal's defenses cannot fight infections caused by bacteria or fungi as well as allergic reactions. When the ears are dry, this protection usually works better. Damp ears can allow bacteria and fungi to multiply faster, resulting in infection.

Another symptom of otitis externa is white, watery earwax; redness and swelling on the outside of the ear and ear canal; pain in the swollen area; scaly skin, itching, irritation, swollen lymph nodes, and hearing loss.

How to Safely Clean Earwax

The color of earwax can indicate an ear problem. Basically, taking proper care of the ears can prevent this problem. Choosing a safe method of cleaning the ears is one way to care for the ears.

Visiting a doctor and asking for help from a doctor to clean our ears according to medical procedures is the safest way to clean our ears. There are several ways you can use to clean your ears yourself if you are forced to do it at home:

1. Using a damp cloth

There is a possibility that cotton buds will cause dirt to enter the ear.

Do not use cotton buds outside the ear if you want to keep using it. If not, wipe the outside of your ear with a warm towel or cloth.

2. Earwax softener

You can find ear drops in pharmacies to soften wax in the ears.

Most of these drops contain ingredients such as mineral oil, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, saline, peroxide, and baby oil. To ensure safe use, pay attention to the instructions for use listed on the product packaging. If side effects appear, consult a doctor to get treatment.

3. Using ear syringes

An injection-shaped device called an  ear syringe is used to spray warm water or saline solution into the ear. If you also use a dirt softener product for 15 to 30 minutes before using an ear syringe, this method may be more effective.



1.     What Does Your Earwax Color Mean? – https://www.healthline.com/health/earwax-color diakses 22 Juli 2019

2.     What you need to know about earwax – https://www.healthyhearing.com/report/52679 diakses 22 Juli 2019

3.     What to know about black earwax – https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324973.php diakses 22 Juli 2019

4.     Swimmer’s ear: What you need to know – https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/178934.php diakses 22 Juli 2019

5.     Tips for Cleaning Your Ear Safely – https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-clean-your-ears accessed 22 July 2019


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