15 Facts About Dreams You Probably Didn't Know


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15 Facts About Dreams You Probably Didn't Know

Dreams are events that we often experience when sleeping soundly. Dreams can happen to anyone, even the board can also dream. Dreams that appear are often what we want or even fear. Therefore some people are often afraid or traumatized to sleep and dream.

Little-Known Dream Facts

Dreams can indeed occur at any time by anyone who is sleeping. However, much information about dreams is still a mystery. In fact, not everyone understands dreams and things around them.

1.     Dreams occur more in the morning

Dreams can indeed occur at any time during sleep. However, dreams occur more in the morning. That is why we often feel that the dreams experienced are very short and know it is morning. Dreams rarely occur at night because we do not necessarily sleep with REM conditions.

2.     Dreams don't happen long

We often feel that dreams do not run for a long time. It is true, generally dreams only occur for 90-120 minutes. The rest you just sleep normally without having dreams in it. Some people still dream when they go back to sleep or not.

3.     When dreaming paralyzed muscles

When entering the REM phase and experiencing dreams, most of the muscles owned will experience paralysis. This happens to prevent us from moving during sleep such as walking to a dangerous place.

4.     Dreams can appear again with a certain theme

Dreams that we often experience usually will not come back the next day. However, the same dream can return and children tend to experience it. Dreams that reappear in children have certain themes such as being feared by councils or monsters. Furthermore, falling from a height to being hit by something also often appears.

5.     Dream more in visual form and black and white

When dreaming, something that appears in visual form is usually very easy to appear. Unfortunately, dreams are rarely colorful. Dreams in black and white form are more common and easy to remember. Because dreams often appear in visual form, we often find it difficult to remember.

6.     Often see familiar faces

In dreams we often meet someone. However, we can sometimes remember it or even confuse it as ready. Based on research from Stanford University, people we see quite familiar in dreams usually often appear on TV, videos, or people we have met.

7.     What we think is often a dream.

What we think about for a whole day will contribute greatly to the dream that occurs. If all day we feel scared or traumatized. The dreams that appear revolve around it and trigger nightmares.

8.     Stress affects dreams

If you experience stress, nightmares will often appear. Conversely, if you are rarely stressed and are happy, dreams that give the impression of happiness will appear.

9.     Women can have wet dreams

Wet dreams are dreams in which there is a scene of having sex and has an impact on physical condition. So far, we always assume that only men experience wet dreams, it turns out that women also experience them. Wet dreams also make women discharge from their vaginas.

10. Sleep position determines the type of dream

Have you ever thought that the sleeping position we do determines the type of dream that will occur? Someone who sleeps with the position of the face facing the pillow tends to often dream about sex, dreams of being locked in the room, swimming, and dreams such as difficult to breathe.

11. Making love while dreaming can happen

Did you know that someone who is sleeping and dreaming can do other activities? This disturbance in sleep is not only in the form of walking to a certain place in sleep conditions only. A person can also have sex in an unconscious state.

12. Children have nightmares more often

Compared to adults, children have nightmares more often every night. This can happen because children have quite a lot of fear of many things. Because of frequent nightmares, some children often ask for company while sleeping so as not to experience the same dream.

13. Sleep paralysis can happen to anyone

Sleep paralysis or dreams that make us seem difficult to wake up is something real. This condition happens to anyone and can give a feeling of discomfort. Someone who experiences this is usually also having a nightmare.

14. The mood of the dream is carried away when waking up

When you dream of something pleasant, it will most likely make the mood after waking up very good. However, if you have nightmares such as the work of fruit animals or ghosts, most likely  the mood that will appear is also very bad.

15. The drug provokes nightmares

Some types of drugs can also trigger nightmares. Maybe you have felt this way when you are sick and taking medicine. Once asleep, sometimes dreams that appear are often disturbing such as dreams of getting worse sick or even dying. This kind of thing is natural and there is no need to think too far.

Here are some facts about dreams that are most likely rarely known by the public. Well, from some facts about dreams above, is there anything you didn't know before? Hopefully the review above can make you better understand and understand dreams that are often experienced.



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